Service Times

Sunday School- 9:45am
Sunday Morning Service - 11:00AM
Children's Church after announcements at morning service.
Sunday Night Services - Youth, & Adult Bible Study - 6:30pm
Choir Practice- Each Sunday Night at 5:00pm
WEDNESDAY Night Adult Bible Study and GLOW Children's Ministry - 6:30 PM

Other Opportunities

Women on Mission -Ladies Ministry Meets the First Thursday of each month at 3:00pm.
J.O.Y. Club- Seniors Ministry is the Second Monday of each month at 11:30am


Walking together in Christian love for the advancement of the kingdom of God.


We are a congregation of believers committed to sharing the message of Christ and guiding others towards faith in Him. As a church, we aim to love those in our community with the same love Christ has given to us. The work of our church is aimed at directing others towards the Savior in the hopes that they will encounter the one true God and be transformed by His gracious love for them. Through all we do, say, and preach, we pray that we will shine the light of Christ to all those we encounter.


Grow in faith, relationship, and community. We believe that learning and asking questions about our faith is how we grow.

904 Main Street, PO Box 219 Maysville NC 28555  |  (910)743-3911